Purpose, Organisation & History


Vanitec brings together representatives of companies and organisations involved in the mining, processing, manufacture, research and use of vanadium and vanadium-containing products.  The objective of Vanitec is to promote the use of vanadium-bearing materials and thereby to increase the consumption of vanadium.

History and Organisation

Originally established in 1972, the Vanitec constitution was adopted in March 1973.  During most of its existence Vanitec operated as a technical committee of vanadium producers, with Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corporation (HSVC) providing administration and secretarial functions.

In 2007, Evraz purchased HSVC from Anglo American Corporation, and the Members agreed to reorganise Vanitec into a new legal entity.

In February 2008 Vanitec Limited was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee in the United Kingdom, and this is the company name under which all Vanitec activities are managed.  Vanitec Limited is a not-for-profit organisation, and all income is used to cover the costs of administration, market development and HSE activities.  Vanitec has no operational or commercial interests relating to vanadium production or sales and all meetings between Members are strictly conducted in compliance with Antitrust Guidelines.

The Vanitec registered office is in Tonbridge, in the south east of the United Kingdom close to London.


Day-to-day management is the responsibility of Mr John Hilbert III (Chief Executive Officer) supported by Dr Yu Li (Technical Officer)

Katarzyna Palaczanis - Head of EU Affairs and Communication

Oversight is provided by a Board of Directors consisting of elected representatives from full members as listed below;

Largo Resources – Francesco D’ Alessio (President)
Pangang Group – Xu Shishuai (Vice President)
AMG Vanadium – Tom Centa 
Bushveld – PJ Nieuwoudt
Chengde Iron and Steel  – WANG Baohua
Desheng – XU Yu
Glencore – Adriaan Brugman
Jianlong – WANG Xueyuan
Treibacher AG – Rene Haberl 
US Vanadium – Mark Smith

Directors are elected every two years, by the members, and two are chosen to serve as President and Vice President, as shown in the list above.