
Vanitec and its member companies are committed to ensuring the highest occupational and environmental standards. We are committed to being good corporate neighbours who always put the safety of the environment and our workers first. The Vanitec Health Safety & Environment (HSE) Committee was thus formed to ensure these high standards are surpassed and that our obligation to understand the health and safety implications of our products is always achieved.

The HSE Committee is comprised of leading toxicologists, scientists, industrial health and safety managers, chemists, and others who regularly review the science and data surrounding vanadium compounds and the implications and obligations for the industry in the regulatory world.

We also regularly update a libary of recently published HSE resesarch which is made available to the public.

HSE Committee


Mr. John W. Hilbert, III

Regional Members

  • Europe: Katharina Kumerschek, Treibacher
  • Africa: Sarel Schulze, Glencore
  • North America: Tom Centa, AMG Vanadium

Research programme

Vanitec, in conjunction with the Vanadium Producers & Reclaimers Association (VPRA) and the US Army,  conducted an extensive multimillion (US) dollar research programme to study and better understand the health and environmental effects of vanadium.

The Vanadium Safety Readiness (VSR) program was designed to ensure that vanadium companies are equipped to properly safeguard the health and safety of workers and others exposed to vanadium and vanadium-containing compounds and to evaluate and mitigate health and environmental risks. This is a cooperative relationship between the vanadium industry, academia and the US Army. Studies included inhalation work on a variety of vanadium compounds, mechanistic work looking into the potential mode of action of V2O5, analysis of previously conducted studies, and others.

The oversight of the VSR program by a well-respected scientific review board was an integral component.