Influence of V and Ti on Hot Ductility of Nb Containing Steels of Peritectic C Contents
The hot ductility of in situ melted tensile specimens of Ti‐Nb containing steels having C contents in the peritectic C range 0•12‐0•17% with and without V has been examined over the temperature range 700‐1000°C. An improved testing regime for simulating the continuous casting process was used, which takes into account both primary and secondary cooling conditions. For the Nb containing steels, the ductility improved in the temperature range 750‐850°C as the Ti/N ratio increased. However, ductility at 800°C was still below the 35‐40% reduction in area values required to avoid transverse cracking. This was attributed to the copious precipitation of sub 40 nm NbTi(CN) precipitates along the grain boundaries and finer precipitates within the grains. Adding V to the Ti‐Nb containing steels resulted in significantly improved ductility with reduction in area values at 800°C in excess of 45%. This improvement was due to a decrease in the fraction of fine particles, and in accord with this better ductility, transverse cracking of industrial slabs was avoided.
continuous casting, Ti and Nb additions, V, hot ductility, steel
K. M. Banks (1), A. Tuling (1) and B. Mintz (2)
- Industrial Metals and Minerals Research Inst., University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
- City University, London, England, UK
Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 27, No. 8, August 2011, pp.1309-1314