The Use of Vanadium in Steels, David Crowther
Indian Webinar on Metallurgy & Applications of Vanadium Containing Steels, 30th September 2022
"Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Vanadium Microalloyed Dual-Phase Steel" - C.P.Scott, F.Fazeli, I.Pushkareva, B.Shalchi, S.Y.P.Allain, J.Gao, H.Azizi,
New Developments in AHSS, Keystone Colorado 31st May 2017
"DP-V 1200 Improved Damage Resistance" - Colin P Scot, CanmetMATERIALS, Canada.
"Progress in Vanadium Microalloying in AHSS" - Colin P Scot, CanmetMATERIALS, Canada.
“The Role of Vanadium in Martensite, Bainite, Ferrite and Austenite”- David Milbourn, HSLA2015, 11-13 November 2015, Hangzhou, China.