Vanadium Flow Battery (VFB)

The Vanadium Redox Flow Battery uses vanadium electrolyte to store energy and enable widers use of renewable power generation such as wind and solar...

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VRFB Enabling the Future of Green Energy

How Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (VRFB) Works

Vanadium Redox Flow Battery vs Lithium Battery

Vanadium in Energy Storage

What is the Vanitec Energy Storage Committee (ESC)?

Vanitec is the only not-for-profit international global member organisation whose objective is to promote the use of vanadium bearing materials. Its member include all the world’s major vanadium producers. Vanitec members benefit by the organisation representing the interests of its members in technical and HSE related issues. It offers a forum for collaboration to understand and promote the uses of vanadium at a global level.

The Energy Storage Committee of Vanitec (ESC) reports to the Vanitec Market Development Committee (MDC) and oversees developments in the energy industry market for vanadium.  It focus on identifying the future global vanadium supply and demand, the quality required and HS&E guidelines surrounding electrolyte production and distribution. The Committee is composed of interested members with a vision to assist the global advancement of the technologies using vanadium products. These are come from all the component parts, including producers, chemical processors, researchers and battery technology companies.

Strategic Objectives of the ESC

Vanadium’s role in the growing energy storage is expected to increase dramatically over the coming years.  Large scale deployments of vanadium redox flow batteries are underway across the globe, with many others being planned or under construction.  Ensuring a strong supply of quality vanadium products will be key to the uptake of energy storage for large amounts of power over a long time duration.  This will supplement the traditional markets for vanadium as the requirements for high quality steel continue to increase.

The ESC creates and fosters an understanding of the common issues facing participants in vanadium energy storage industry. These include;

  • Developing and sharing a thorough understanding of HSE related issues and potential issues, drawing from existing expertise in the Vanitec HSE.
  • Understanding the demand profile for Vanadium products as defined by the growth expectations of energy storage generally
  • Sharing, and where possible assisting through research, with chemical and technical information that will ensure survival and Vanadium based technologies in energy storage against competing technologies.
  • Developing an understanding of minimum standards for Vanadium products used in energy storage technologies.

Membership of the ESC

New members of Vanitec interested in the ESC must be willing to share some information about their activities. This includes usage, demand and quality information. This ensures the best information is available for Vanitec and the ESC to achieve its strategic objectives. There is no expectation to share proprietary information.

Members receive access to other members, and ongoing information about Vanadium activity at a global scale. Similar information is often sold by subscriber organisations for more than the cost of membership. In addition, the development of a strong vanadium network, will support the development of a vanadium industry that has the capability of meeting their requirements in the future.