Vanadium Products
Vanadium Products for Use in Steel
Ferro-Vanadium (FeV) – strengthener and hardener for high-strength steels, tool steels, and other ferrous-based products.
Vanadium Trioxide (V2O3) – an economical source of vanadium generally used for tool steel.
Vanadium Metal – used to produce specialty steel alloys and in the manufacturing of computer hard-drives.
Vanadium Products for Titanium Alloys
Vanadium-Aluminium Masteralloys – used to improve the physical properties of titanium alloys for use in jet engines, airframes, and other critical-quality applications
Vanadium Products for Chemical Applications
Vanadium Pentoxide (V2O5) – used in the manufacturing of sulfuric acid and as catalysts and many other high-purity applications.
Vanadium Pentoxide (V2O5) – Vanadium Tetraoxide – used in a variety of applications, including chemical and environmental catalysts, gas processing, coloring compounds, batteries, dye fixants and vitamins.
Vanadium Tetrachloride – catalyst used in the production of EPDM rubber.
Vanadium Oxytrichloride (VOCl3) – catalyst used in the production of EPDM rubber.
Vanadyl Oxalate – used in catalysts that remove sulfur and nitrogen during oil refining and other production processes.
Vanadyl Sulphate – used in catalysts that remove sulfur during oil refining and other production processes.
Sodium Ammonium Vanadate- used for removalof hydrogen sulfide in Stretford andSulfolin processes (gas sweetening).
Ammonium Metavandate – a high-purity vanadium chemical used in a variety of applications, including chemical and environmental catalysts, gas processing, coloring compounds and dye fixants.
Sodium Metavandate – soluble in water, it is used in inks, fur dyeing, photography and as a corrosion inhibitor in gas scrubbers.
Potassium Metavanadate – used as vital catalysts and other ingredients in the production of many important chemical and petrochemical products.
Vanadium & Titanium Mixes – vanadium oxytrichloride and titanium tetrachloride are used as catalysts in polyethelene production.