Production and Characterization of Nano-size (V,W)C Power by Mechanical Alloying


Vanadium-tungsten carbide {(V, W) C} nanocrystalline powder has been synthesized by mechanical alloying for the purpose of producing WC-VC-Co alloys of very fine grain size. The starting powders were W, V and C. The V/W mass ratio was selected on the basis of the formula (V0.7,W0.3) C, which had been calculated to be the equilibrium formula of (V,W) C. Although milling was carried out in argon, some oxidization occurred leading to the presence of free carbon in the synthesized powder.


vanadium, WC-VC-Co alloys.


A.S. Bolokang (1,4), D.G. Billing (2,4), C. Banganayi (1,4), S. Luyckx (3,4)


(1) Department of Engineering Metallurgy, University of Johannesburg
(2) School of Chemistry, University of the Witwatersrand
(3) School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering,
(4 )DST/NRF Center of Excellence in Strong Materials, Johannesburg, South Africa


International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials (PowderMet2007), Denver, Colorado, USA, 13-16 May 2007

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