Evolution of Prior-Austenite Grain Structure during Reheating of As-Cast Microalloyed Steels
To study the effect of microalloying strategy on the evolution of austenite grain size distributions in microalloyed high-strength low alloy (HSLA) steels containing Nb, Ti and V in different combinations, seven as-cast steel blocks are reheated 1000-1250℃, soaked for 1h, and water quenched. The precipitates before and after the reheating treatment are characterized. The prior-austenite grain structures and the corresponding austenite grain distributions are presented and the effect of microalloying elements on the formation of bimodal austenite grain size distributions is discussed.
microalloyed steel; as-cast, precipitate distribution, reheating treatment, austenite grain size distribution, bimodal
Debalay Chakrabarti (1), Kumar Aniket Anand (2), Vinod Kumar (2)
(1) Dept. of Metallurgy & Materials, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India;
(2) Research & Development Centre for Iron & Steel, Steel Authority of India Limited, Ranchi, India
8th International Conference on High Strength Low Alloy Steels (HSLA 2022), 9-11 November 2022, Zoom